Rank |
2016 Percentile 2
(District) |
Location |
City |
10 |
97.4 |
Hermosa View Elementary K-3 details (Hermosa Beach City Elementary District)
1800 Prospect Avenuemap Hermosa Beach, 90254 |
Hermosa Beach |
10 |
90.3 |
Hermosa Valley Elementary 4-8 details (Hermosa Beach City Elementary District)
1645 Valley Drivemap Hermosa Beach, 90254 |
Hermosa Beach |
Start Over |
- The California School Ratings Rank is determined by a school's testing percentile in
comparison to other schools in California of the same type (i.e. elementary/middle/high).
1 is the worst, 10 is the best. A similar number of schools occupy each rank. * This rank is derived from the
2016 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).
- The 2016 Percentile is a number between 0 and 100 that reflects a
school's performance on the 2016 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).
A percentile score of 70 for an elementary school would reflect that 70% of elementary schools scored lower and 30% of elementary schools scored higher.
- Alternative Schools receive percentiles but do not receive ranks
- Ratings are based on the 2016 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). The school information was last updated August, 2016.
- More information: Understanding California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP) Summary Reports